Friday, February 12, 2010

Welcome to 2010!

Our camerea has just come back from a long hiatus at the repair shop. I can now begin posting with pictures again. Not that I posted without pictures, but that's beside the point. We are going to Reno this weekend, I shall return, with pictures.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Big Sur

First off, check THIS out:
A CONDOR!, one of SEVEN that we were lucky enough to see while pulled over on the sde of the road. One was gracious enough to fly about 5 feet over our heads. So beautiful.

Julia Pfeiffer Burns Park is above.

Merielle giving stink eye to Daddy.

Andrew Molera state park, at the beach.

Everyone knows how I feel about sand.

I drove the RV back from Andrew Molera to home...geez.

Ryan followed us:)

Visit to Irvine

Merielle being a ham, on her stage in Irvine at my parents house:)

With My brother's kids on the sofa:
Cuddling with Alexa..... she's great with Merielle always kept aneye on her to make sure she kept out of trouble.

It was about 90 degrees when we were on the carousel:

1st Plane Flight, before the crying.

I didn't take pictures of what came next....I'm sure you can imagine.

water baby

Sunriver, Oregon 2009

This August we went with friends to Oregon, had a blast. Here are a select few photos, which don't do the week justice.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I tried to get a video of Merielle hula dancing, but she won't let's a slight preview, I'll get a better one when she's not paying attention to me.

14 months

Merielle is growing like a weed. She is curious and into everything, talks up a storm, and loves to give hugs. She is eating by herself and getting very good at walking. She's amazing, we are so lucky.