Sunday, September 13, 2009
Big Sur
Visit to Irvine
Sunriver, Oregon 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I tried to get a video of Merielle hula dancing, but she won't let's a slight preview, I'll get a better one when she's not paying attention to me.
Allie and Merielle
Two Months and a birthday later....
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The backpack was lent to us. I highly recommend borrowing baby equipment as much as possible. It is great when people can form a circle and each has an item to lend. It reduces the amount you have to store and lets others enjoy your purchase. Just be prepared to replace it if you damage it:)
Merielle, the growing weed
New Header
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
New Toy's
Since Merielle is standing on her own and furniture cruising, her grandma bought her a walker. From what I have read walkers are a little controversial...aka dangerous. Since we have dense carpet and she's under her daddy's watchful eye, we decided she could use this toy. She really likes it and seems to be taking it step by step (LOL).
The kid talks up a storm:
As a side note: She is being more vocal and expressive, but it's hard to know what she wants. I try to give a word to everything I do with her, so she can begin an association. Seems simple enough, and our communication is getting better. She is a professional at the command "up!"